ReefMod Emulator (RME) resources page

This page provides downloads of the ReefMod Emulator (RME) API for Matlab, the Windows RMT software, and supporting documentation. These resources are primarily intended for RRAP project members.

ReefMod Emulator API

The RME API enables the ReefMod Emulator to be parameterised and run in a Matlab environment. Note this is tested against Matlab R2021a.

RME API for Matlab on Windows :

RME API documentation : rme_matlab_api_guide.pdf

GBR Resilience Management Tool (RMT) software

The RMT software is provided primarily as an aid to understanding the underlying design of the ReefMod Emulator (RME). The RMT provides a GUI environment to interact with the RME. The RMT pre-dates the RRAP project but is being updated in parallel with the RME, as it contains the RME within it. The RMT and its documentation are the best starting point to understand the concepts in the RME.

RMT software for Windows : rmt_installer_2022_10_24.exe

RMT documentation : rmt_user_manual.pdf

The following video resources are a brief walk-through of how to use the RMT software. Note that the RME does not include the automated optimisation functions discussed in the second video.

Video Part 1 : RMT General usage walk-through

Video Part 2 : RMT Optimisation functions

Wider documentation on ReefMod and the underlying parameterisation is in preparation, but the following paper gives an overview of the concepts involved: Bozec at al. 2021

Previous versions of the software

Previously distributed versions of the software are available here in case they are needed, these versions are no longer supported.

RME API for Matlab on Windows :

RMT software for Windows :

